@強制水泳試験=forced swim test: 逃避不可能な水槽内にマウスやラットを投じると、はじめは逃れようと激しくもがくが、やがて逃げ出すことを諦めて無動状態になる。抗うつ剤を投与することで、この持続時間が特異的に短縮することを利用した評価法。
A運動制限試験=tail-suspension test:下記論文が最初の論文と考えられるが、agitation つまり「もがき」の後のimmobility 無動状態を"behavioral despair"つまり「行動に関する絶望」、これをうつ病と見なす。以下がこの方法を初めて報告した論文の抄録。
The tail suspension test: a new method for screening antidepressants in mice. Steru L, Chermat R, Thierry B, Simon P. Psychopharmacology. 1985;85(3):367-70.
A novel test procedure for antidepressants was designed in which a mouse is suspended by the tail from a lever, the movements of the animal being recorded. The total duration of the test (6 min) can be divided into periods of agitation and immobility. Several psychotropic drugs were studied: amphetamine, amitriptyline, atropine, desipramine, mianserin, nomifensine and viloxazine. Antidepressant drugs decrease the duration of immobility, as do psychostimulants and atropine. If coupled with measurement of locomotor activity in different conditions, the test can separate the locomotor stimulant doses from antidepressant doses. Diazepam increases the duration of immobility. The main advantages of this procedure are the use of a simple, objective test situation, the concordance of the results with the validated "behavioral despair" test from Porsolt and the sensitivity to a wide range of drug doses.